It is estimated that approximately one percent of the general population are psychopaths.The psychopaths have higher IQs on average than the general population. They know how to charm and manipulate and they are interested only in their own gain. They are impulsive, self-destructive and they are cold hearted. They had no regard for the feelings and welfare of others and they lack fundamental understanding of what things are.
One doesn’t have to look far to find examples of this kind of characters.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Trust Me (3)
Trust Me (2)
The basic stories are pretty the same as it was years ago. Most of the old stories are re-cast in modern settings and the stories were all based on the same source material. Sometimes the old stories are being looked from new angles and with a new twist. The bottom line, however, is the same old stories
Trust Me (1)
"There are no facts, only interpretations." Friedrich Nietzsche
"History is a selective interpretation of events designed to justify those currently in power. Memory is the same thing on an individual scale." Unknown
"The most terrible fight is not when there is one opinion against another, the most terrible is when two men say the same thing -- and fight about the interpretation, and this interpretation involves a difference of quality." Soren Kierkegaard
"Necessity is not an established fact, but rather an interpretation." Friedrich Nietzsche
"All meanings, we know, depend on the key of interpretation." George Eliot
"We should know what our convictions are, and stand for them. Upon one's own philosophy, conscious or unconscious, depends one's ultimate interpretation of facts. Therefore it is wise to be as clear as possible about one's subjective principles. As the man is, so will be his ultimate truth." Carl Jung
"No emotional crisis is wholly the product of outward circumstances. These may precipitate it. But what turns an objective situation into a subjectively critical one is the interpretation the individual puts upon it -- the meaning it has in his emotional economy; the way it affects his self-image." Bonaro Overstreet
"Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation." Noam Chomsky
"All human knowledge takes the form of interpretation." Walter Benjamin
"Taste has no system and no proofs." Susan Sontag
"The truth is balance. However the opposite of truth, which is unbalance, may not be a lie." Susan Sontag
Monday, February 16, 2009
Monty Roberts and Jan Fennell
"Inspired by Monty Roberts, Jan Fennell embraces similar ideas to those found in The Man Who Listens to Horses. Rather than trying to fit human psychology to animals, the starting point is observing how animals communicate, how they structure their groups in the wild and what they think their role is."
"When we understand and respect a dog's mindset, effective training can be done with intelligence and compassion."
"She met the famed Monty Roberts, author of The Man Who Listens to Horses. Fennell's attitude to dogs and her life changed entirely on that afternoon in 1990. Enthused by what Monty could achieve with horses, she decided to try to apply his principles to canines."
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Here is something for you to ponder:
The defects of the mind are like the wounds of the body: no matter how much care we take to heal them, the scars remain, and there is always the danger that they will reopen. - Francois duc de La Rochefoucauld
"It's the same donkey, but with a new saddle." - Afghan Proverb
"Wherever man goes to dwell his character goes with him." - African Proverb