All my winnings betting on horse racing as well as betting on soccer matches via this method:

Needless to say, when someone is trying to communicate with us and if they are not on the same frequency with us, the chances of coming together to form some meaningful understanding will be very slim.
All my winnings betting on horse racing as well as betting on soccer matches via this method:
We must realise that how much work goes into handicapping horses. It is definitely not simply a matter of looking at the card in the morning, studying the form, making a few selections, watching them at the parading ring, backing them and watching them run. We must keep updated records and data of the horses. It is hard work and lots of it.
Picking a winner is 40 percent skill, 41 percent luck and 19 percent eerieness.
"As soon as you concern/compare yourself with the 'good' and 'bad' of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weaken and defeat you." Morihei Ueshiba
What can money buy?
Money can buy position but not respect.
Money can buy a book but not knowledge.
Money can buy a house but not home.
Money can buy medicine but not health .
Money can buy blood but not life.
Money can buy food but not appetite.
Money can buy a bed but not sleep.
Money can buy a clock but not time.
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When we select and place our bet on a particular horse, we are saying we based on our interpretation of the information gathered and received by us. We believe that by reading and interpreting it correctly we have done our homework well and endeavor to predict the outcome of the race correctly on that particular horse to win. It isn't the horse's true chances; it is our interpretation of the information gathered by us. This moves the conflict from the horse's real and true chances to our abilities against the crowd. We are betting the horses on the basis of their probability of winning as per our own handicapping skill.
It is only making good bets and there is no best method, system, theory or strategy and there is no secret formula to handicapping or betting because every race and situation is different. It is a game of choice as well as decision making and as much as we are looking for a probable winner. Choices and decisions making apply to anything and everything we do and usually it is based on our own point of view. The Turf Club makes its money no matter which horse wins and that is why it is called Pari-Mutuel wagering.